What Makes Fantasy Books Worth Reading?

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”

― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

These words resonate deeply with me, holding immense power and significance within the realm of literature. Surprisingly, they were not penned within the pages of a novel aimed at adults but rather found their place in the world of children's fantasy fiction.

Fantasy fiction isn't everyone's cup of tea; indeed, many individuals opt to steer clear of it, deeming it too far-fetched for mature audiences. Yet, therein lies its allure—its ability to transport the mind beyond the mundane, into realms brimming with enchantment and the impossible. It prompts us to envision alternate realities, populated by magical beings and events beyond the scope of reality. In doing so, it compels us to confront our deepest fears and challenges, instilling within us the fortitude to overcome them.

Far from being mere tales for the young adults, fantasy literature transcends age boundaries. It beckons to anyone with a penchant for exploration and an open mind, inviting them on an exhilarating journey of discovery and adventure.

“No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally – and often far more – worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond.”

― C.S. Lewis

An imaginary picture for a fantasy concept book

Why do we indulge in Fantasy literature?

Diving into Fantasy Worlds

Fantasy literature captivates us with its essence of the improbable, the fantastical, and the boundless power of imagination. Its allure emanates from the enchanting spells woven by words, conjuring realms far removed from reality yet deeply rooted within it.

It seems preposterous to dismiss the notion that adults cannot derive enjoyment from the whimsical and the absurd. How else can we explain the immense popularity and anticipation surrounding HBO's epic saga, "Game of Thrones," which spanned eight gripping seasons? How else can we comprehend the decision of publishers to venture into new tales within the wizarding world long after the conclusion of the original "Harry Potter" series, as evidenced by the release of "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" (a play)?

As a fervent aficionado of the fantasy genre, I perceive these works as more than mere stories meant solely for the amusement of children. They serve as invaluable companions, offering avenues for entertainment, escapism, inspiration, and enlightenment.

A young adult girl reading a fantasy book in the forest

The enchanting realms of Fantasy fiction

Exploring in Fantasy Stories

Alagaesia, Middle Earth, Westeros – these realms could easily exist solely within the confines of our imagination, or perhaps, one day, manifest as tangible kingdoms. Seeking refuge from the banalities of everyday life and seeking solace within the captivating and fantastical realms of fantasy literature remains one of the most prominent yet profound reasons behind the enduring popularity of the fantasy genre.

In contemporary society, individuals grapple with a plethora of emotional burdens. The demands of work, health concerns, the complexities of relationships, and the routine tasks of daily life often exert overwhelming pressure. Consequently, the desire to escape is not merely a luxury but a necessity, a respite crucial for soothing the restless mind and body. Fantasy serves as the quintessential portal for such escapism – all it requires is a simple knock.

Much like the enchanted doorway that whisked away the otherwise ordinary 17-year-old art student, Karou, plunging her into the realm of chimeras and seraphim (as depicted in Laini Taylor's "Daughter of Smoke and Bone"). With just a single step, Karou was transported from the familiar streets of Prague into an extraordinary and magical universe.

A young girl realising somethings upon reading a fantasy story book

Discovering New Things and Growing Along the Way

An Endless Journey of Exploration and Growth

In the heart of every fantasy lies a journey filled with adventure and continuous learning. This quest is intertwined with myriad challenges and opportunities for lifelong growth. The path of adventure is often tumultuous, pushing us beyond our comfort zones and testing our limits. It can be daunting, exhausting, and at times, even intimidating.

Reflecting on our own lives, we find a similar narrative unfolding. Humanity has long grappled with the pursuit of purpose. Without a clear sense of direction, life can feel aimless and devoid of meaning. In essence, our individual journeys resemble quests – quests to uncover our purpose and to live authentically in its pursuit.

In the words of Bilbo Baggins, adventures are often "nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things." Yet, it is precisely these challenges that ignite within us a yearning for something more profound.

A little child happily reading a fantasy book together with her mother

Discovering the Kindness in Fantasy Stories

Fantasy narratives redefine the innate goodness within us all

Exploring the virtues of indulging in fantasy literature reveals a plethora of adventures rooted in the core of our human nature.

Consider the moment when the wizard Harry Potter lays the house-elf Dobby to rest—a poignant act embodying humanity's compassion. Or reflect on the unlikely heroism displayed by the timid Neville Longbottom as he bravely confronts and vanquishes the formidable snake Nagini. Moreover, the union of Ron and Hermione in matrimony, born from years of profound friendship, epitomizes a love that transcends mere romance, enriched by the bonds of companionship. And when individuals willingly sacrifice their lives to thwart the nefarious schemes of the Dark Lord Voldemort, it embodies a collective aspiration for a brighter tomorrow.

Attempting to convey the essence of concepts like friendship, love, or hope through mere words often proves futile, as they tend to fade from memory. However, the enduring friendship shared by Harry, Ron, and Hermione has been immortalized through the epic tales of their shared adventures, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of readers.

In these fantastical narratives, readers discover not only entertainment but also profound insights into the inherent goodness that resides within us all, reminding us of the enduring power of compassion, bravery, camaraderie, and hope.

A group of friends playing and acting magical wizardry upon reading fantasy books

Magical Friends: Finding Extraordinary Companions on Our Adventures

The Enchanting Companions

Ah, those extraordinary beings and the bonds forged among them! Consider Harry and Buckbeak, Eragon and Saphira, Newt Scamander and his marvelous creatures! While we often hear that dogs are a man's best friend, these fantastical tales elevate that notion to new heights!

Yet, these connections transcend mere magic; they embody something deeper. In subtle ways, these narratives impart lessons on the importance of coexistence. They show us that despite our differences in lifestyle, demeanor, and beliefs, harmonious living is attainable.

How else could a dragon and Eragon coexist, shaping the destiny of Alagaesia? How else could wizards and witches peacefully cohabit with muggles? (Although, I can't help but notice the recurring motif of dragons in fantasy fiction. Rarely does a fantasy tale not feature them in some capacity!)

These stories remind us of the power of friendship and the potential for harmony, even in the most fantastical of realms.

An open book with a fairytale fantasy tale concept

The Enchantment of Magic

And then, there's Magic!

Magic undoubtedly serves as the most enchanting aspect of delving into fantasy realms.

“Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.”  

― C.S. Lewis
Whether it's the incantation of spells, the ability to shift mountains, or soar across oceans, magic imbues fantasy with an unparalleled allure.

What renders magic truly captivating is its supernatural essence. While everyday life may seem mundane, the infusion of magic adds a radiant gleam to the ordinary.


fantasy books aren't just for fun; they teach us important lessons and let us explore exciting worlds. Like Neil Gaiman said, they show us that even big challenges can be overcome. These stories spark our imagination, taking us on journeys where we discover new things about ourselves and make friends with amazing characters.

Magic adds an extra thrill to these adventures, making ordinary life seem more exciting. Whether you're battling dragons or mastering spells, fantasy books invite you to escape reality and find the magic within yourself. So, why not dive into a fantasy book and let your imagination run wild?


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