What Makes A Story Epic?

Did you catch that? That monumental release of breath from the southern tip of the Lake Michigan coastline? My apologies if it disturbed any of your important activities.

The reason is, I've just completed a draft of my work in progress. It's the third installment in a trilogy, making this moment feel especially momentous. Honestly, I'm aspiring to craft what could truly be considered an epic tale.

A lady writing based on her imagination

Monumental Endeavor

Epics have always captured my heart; they embody the type of narrative I'm drawn to create. My journey in crafting this trilogy has been monumental, a true saga in its own right. This narrative springs from my earliest work, a trilogy I first brought to completion in June of 2009, nearly a decade ago. A significant influence on that initial work was a character who, intriguingly, never makes an appearance. Dying young, over a decade prior to the story's onset, Vahldan from the Amalus Clan—a fictitious noble family of the Goths—attains a mythical status both in life and posthumously.

In 2011, amidst efforts to refine the original trilogy for publication—a goal I'm still working toward—I was inspired to pen a short story about Vahldan, exploring the origins of his legendary status.

However, what began as a brief tale unfolded into an extensive narrative.

Commencing in March 2012, I embarked on chronicling Vahldan's complete life story, culminating in a manuscript of 160,000 words—far from the intended short story. Later, in September 2014, while waiting on feedback for a revised version of the first book in the trilogy, I ventured into reimagining Vahldan's tale, this time concentrating on his ascent to prominence. Nine months afterward, I completed a draft, this iteration being more concise at 120,000 words. Following the counsel of a trusted advisor, I shifted my focus entirely to Vahldan's story, a decision that resonated with my intuition.

After four years, the creation of three manuscripts, numerous revisions, and nearly 400,000 words, I've reached this point. What a journey it has been!

An image showing dragon and a knight

Profound Retrospection

Upon completing this draft, I've been contemplating if the narrative truly attains the stature of an epic. The term "epic" has been liberally used to the point of becoming colloquial, stretching far beyond its classical meaning. The idea of an "epic feast" or an "epic overtime victory" seems to dilute its essence.

Reflecting on the stories that resonate with me, I gravitate towards descriptors such as sweeping, intricate, and immersive—qualities that, in my view, encapsulate the essence of an epic. Yet, buried in the recesses of my mind, obscured by forgotten college lectures and obscured further by pub gatherings, was a faint understanding that genuine criteria exist for defining an epic narrative.

Ironically, here I am, a self-proclaimed aficionado of epics, who has aspired to craft one without ever investigating these essential criteria. Until this moment.

The academic consensus identifies five key elements of an epic:

  • Focuses on a protagonist of unparalleled stature—often with divine heritage or blessing.

  • The protagonist exhibits extraordinary abilities or courage, accomplishing awe-inspiring feats.

  • A sprawling setting—not only across vast territories and seas, venturing into the unknown, but also spanning extensive periods.

  • Incorporates supernatural entities—encompassing gods, demons, angels, prophecies, enchantments, and curses.

  • Narrated in a distinguished style—characterized by stylization, formality, lyricism, or embellishment to enhance the narrative impact.

Upon reviewing these criteria, it became clear to me that my narrative had not achieved the scale or depth of a true epic.

A clash between protagonist and antagonist

Colossal Blunder

Here's a refreshed version of your points:

  • My protagonist is the epitome of mortal—far from the divine. He embodies the essence of humanity in its purest form.

  • Achievements? He's just a regular guy, born into a fortunate lineage, whose success can largely be attributed to serendipity.

  • Expansive? Indeed, this is where my tale truly excels! The narrative unfolds across a vast landscape, chronicling the majority of my main character's life.

  • Mystical elements? There's a vague prophecy at play, though its origins and accuracy are dubious at best. And while deities exist in my universe, they're more often invoked in the colorful expletives of my characters than revered.

  • Literary style? I initially embraced a richly ornate and outdated manner of writing. It proved tiresome for both my readers and myself, prompting me to abandon it. Nevertheless, I've retained a fondness for the old-fashioned invectives.

An image depicting humanity in its purest form

Dramatic Overturn

That concludes my thoughts on the academic standards. Despite this, they continue to occupy my thoughts. Even though I didn't take the time to formally research them, I'm quite confident that I naturally delved into each one. However, my approach mainly involved challenging and reinterpreting them. For instance:

  • The Essence of the Supernatural

In the realm Vahldan inhabits, both religious belief and prophecies are cunningly wielded to influence and support actions and individuals. The evidence for Vahldan's "destined" path or divine favor rests purely on anecdotal accounts. Essentially, belief in the supernatural can be manipulated, sometimes benignly, other times with ulterior motives.

  • Approachable Style

It became clear to me early on that poetry wasn't my forte. Instead of striving for poetic elegance, I aimed for significance. Writing fantasy affords a flexibility you don't get with historical accuracy. The language of the Goths remains a mystery, which allowed me to invent their dialogue, discovering my unique narrative voice in the process, complete with innovative expressions. The result? A story that may not qualify as high fantasy but is perhaps more engaging and humorous for it.

  • Ambition and Scale

Indeed, I embraced a grand scale in my storytelling. Vahldan quickly realizes that wealth could ease his prophesied rise to power. His journey to riches begins with an unexpected alliance with a smuggler, eventually transforming him and his loyalists into a mercenary force embroiled in imperial conflicts. This venture enriches him but also introduces unforeseen challenges, illustrating how ambition can extend one's reach to potentially perilous extents.

  • Heroism Amidst Humanity

While Vahldan lacks supernatural abilities, his exceptional cadre of warriors bolsters his endeavors. His daring exploits, often bordering on recklessness, somehow always conclude with triumph. This leads to a belief in his destined greatness, a belief that, over time, might not serve him well. The awe surrounding Vahldan is cultivated through stories of his boldness, inadvertently feeding into his belief in his own fabled destiny.

  • Mortal Yet Destined

Vahldan's humanity is undeniable, marked by common weaknesses, yet he is thrust into an extraordinary role by his heritage. Born to an exiled chieftain and proclaimed part of a dire prophecy at birth, Vahldan's supposed fate garners political interest from his clan and an allied tribe of warrior women. Thus, his remarkable path is less about divine right and more about the ambitions of those around him.

  • A Chorus of Perspectives

Invoking the muse Calliope, I initially set out to narrate a unified epic of a man set to challenge the Goths and plunder Rome, guided by pagan deities, all while doomed from the start. Yet, Calliope's suggestion to let each character share their own tale, without my omnipresent narrative, opened up a new, enjoyable storytelling dimension.

A testament to the muse's wisdom.


Regardless of whether I succeed in crafting a truly monumental work (even one with a hint of subversion), embarking on such a grand endeavor has proven to be a rewarding experience. Instead of focusing on how events shape a character, I've delved into how a character's existence can alter the fabric of their universe. Diving deep into the breadth of a life, and the lives intertwined with it, has allowed me to ponder some of the weightier questions of existence, such as:

What are the real sacrifices made in the pursuit of greatness?

Can love truly conquer all obstacles? Is the power of forgiveness equivalent to the power of love, or are they inherently connected?

What significance does death hold? Do I desire my death to carry weight? And if so, for whom?

Is love a fundamental component of our happiness? Is a life without love truly complete?

When is it permissible to command others to take lives on our behalf?

Is it possible for one's fate to be intertwined with that of another?

Under what circumstances, if any, can taking a life be deemed justifiable?

What responsibilities do we bear towards the legacy left by our parents?

As I near the conclusion of this trilogy, I've come to realize that it has raised more questions than it has answered. Yet, it has undeniably broadened my perspective.

For this, I am profoundly thankful. Thus, I raise my glass to Vahldan of the Amalus and Elan of the Skolani. May their tales be eternally celebrated in song.


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